Project’s Activities

ProjektaktivitätenHier findest du die neuesten Informationen über das Projekt, damit du auf dem Laufenden bleibst.


LTTA in igdir, turkey

At the beginning of June, we were in Igdir, Turkey for the LTTA of our #erasmusplusproject. We met great people from the partner organizations, and exchanged

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Team meeting in Lund, Sweden

In October, we met with our partners to discuss further steps in developing the project and check on the progress of project results.We discussed the last

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Kick-off meeting in Sofia

In May, the project partners met in Sofia 🇧🇬 for a kick-off meeting to discuss the goals and future steps of the project. The project

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Our Project has started

Youth & Commute – A structured approach for increasing the mobility of marginalized youth is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European

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Youth&commute 1st Newsletter
Youth&commute 2nd Newsletter
Youth&commute 3rd Newsletter
Youth&commute 4th Newsletter

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